I have 2 bunbons to make a family toghether, they are Atbazi and Rizu. They don't make eggs. i clicked ctrl+shift+i to check their behavior. As it seems, Rizu's opinion of Atbazi is 100%, and it didn't show about Atbazi's opinion of Rizu. How do i make Atbazi and Rizu to get along and make eggs?
EDIT: Here's how they look like
Edit 2: I found out Abtazi's opinion of Rizu (It's 100% now), but they only made one egg. After making one egg, they just stopped making eggs and that's just it. Maybe if they keep getting along to keep making eggs, would they ACTUALLY keep making eggs?
Hi, sg! So about that update... Maybe you should add future planet with 2 bunbons, the first is a green bunbon with long bunny ears and a mecha mask. The second bunbon is blue and purple and has a phone on their head.
If you don't like the update idea, that's okay! I hope you will grow up with more updates.
Hi! Love the idea, and I would definitely would encourage making some fan art for it. I don't have any plans to update BunBons at the moment, though. Sorry!
This game was pretty cute!!! It makes me melting my heart~💓🤤
I know this version is perfect in your opinion, but I think you should make the downloadable version and add some options to mute the music and SFX separately too because I don’t like the music.
i found a glitch where when you export a bunbon and then import it (when it's just hatched) and then wait for it to grow, if you import the younger one again, you get FREE BUNBONS!! i have five now 😋
I hope you update soon :), also there are a bit of hidden genes i've seen. Mainly when I reset it multiple times an odd colored egg will be one of the three eggs, I've gotten a different blue colored bunbon and a different red colored one, ones different from the other eggs in the numerous worlds.
So, I've seen the snail planet in a previous playthrough, but I haven't gotten near it in this one yet.
A child of two regular Earth bunbons has a snail shell anyway. "Mystery Shell" also has a child who (while unrelated to the deer bunbon) got antlers.
I'm not complaining -- I actually think this is pretty cool -- but I'm curious whether this is technically supposed to happen or not.
EDIT: I've found something which I am complaining about! I'll pause the game and come back to one less bunbon, and the logs will say that that bunbon blasted off when I wasn't looking. Which sucks. I haven't found out yet if these bugged-out spacefarers are waiting for me on the end screen or not.
Autonomously blasting off, tho, is a new one... let me know if they show up again at the end. I don't know when I'll be able to debug it, so I hope they're just getting wanderlust while you're away!
I love this game so much, that I keep returning to it! I always have it up, to the point one day where the game crashed because I had too many on one planet. I still think I haven't seen every variation, they are all so charming.
Hi! I really love playing this game (it's very nostalgic and soothing). I've been having this problem recently where my progress is no longer being saved. Whenever I open this page I'm back on the first planet with three different eggs. I'm having a hard time letting myself get attached to the bunbons because if my browser crashes they're gone
Would you know whether this is a problem on my end, and if not, could you look into it? Thanks in advance :-)
Oh no! The game saves its state to localstorage, which is stored by your browser. So I wonder if you have a browser setting or plugin that increases security and clears localstorage when it closes? Maybe if you let me know your browser + version, and your OS, I can dig up something
I'm on Firefox version 110.0.1 and I'm using Windows. I have checked the settings and the option to clear cookies when the browser is closed is turned off. Changing the browser safety setting from strict to normal didn't help either
I'm sorry, I'm not able to get the problem to happen on my computer! I don't have a Windows machine to test it on, but Firefox 110.0.1 on MacOS saves the state when the tab is closed or the browser gets restarted.
hi is it possible to send out two bunnies or more to space at the same time? Or can it only be one bun at a time? It's been a while since I've seen the bun I sent to space and I'm kinda worried that they might not come back :(
Would there be more mutations, colors, and different types of Bunbons? Also will there be more planets and items to explore in the future? This game is adorable and I'm having fun so far!!
Thank you! When you've raised your bunbons so their heart meter fills up, you'll get an option to send them in a rocket. As for renaming them, there's no way to do that at the moment in the game.
I do have another question, once I reset my game the import food/item button no longer shows up properly, is there anything I can do to make it normal again?
can you explain how to reset the game for people who are really dumb when it comes to how to work the website console thingy? i tried typing in "resetState()" and it didn't seem to work
Hi! You can move them out of storage by dragging them onto the little window in the bottom left. You can encourage them to drink by dragging the food item onto them, but it’s possible they don’t like that food item - fortunately food and drink fulfill the same need so you can always try something else!
I got this in the Queer Games bundle and it's SUPER CUTE, thank you for this gem of a pet-raiser. No stress and adorable is just what I need right now.
Holy shit, this is actually perfect! I love this. It's cute, wholesome, relaxing, and has so many aspects to it than just a virtual tamagotchi/vpet. Also the ability to export? *chef's kiss*
also i play on a chromebook and want to start the game over. how can i do that? I play on web.
(i kinda used the inport thing to bring the buns back from space and now i have a buged world where buns randomly stop working like this one
You can always put the bunbons in your inventory to move them from planet to planet! To restart, you can open the browser console (F12) and type "resetState()" and then enter.
← Return to virtual pet
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I have 2 bunbons to make a family toghether, they are Atbazi and Rizu. They don't make eggs. i clicked ctrl+shift+i to check their behavior. As it seems, Rizu's opinion of Atbazi is 100%, and it didn't show about Atbazi's opinion of Rizu. How do i make Atbazi and Rizu to get along and make eggs?
EDIT: Here's how they look like
Edit 2: I found out Abtazi's opinion of Rizu (It's 100% now), but they only made one egg. After making one egg, they just stopped making eggs and that's just it. Maybe if they keep getting along to keep making eggs, would they ACTUALLY keep making eggs?
Hi, sg! So about that update... Maybe you should add future planet with 2 bunbons, the first is a green bunbon with long bunny ears and a mecha mask. The second bunbon is blue and purple and has a phone on their head.
If you don't like the update idea, that's okay! I hope you will grow up with more updates.
Hi! Love the idea, and I would definitely would encourage making some fan art for it. I don't have any plans to update BunBons at the moment, though. Sorry!
This game was pretty cute!!! It makes me melting my heart~💓🤤
I know this version is perfect in your opinion, but I think you should make the downloadable version and add some options to mute the music and SFX separately too because I don’t like the music.
Also I hope their is a downloadable version one day :3
*goofy ahh dance*
bro though he was a gif 💀
is it just me or does this one have wings?
not his wings his *redacted*
Love your enthusiasm! There are no updates planned for now, this version of BunBons is the complete game.
Ok, but what abt im using (~) and resetState; but it just doesent work tho- WHY THO-
My bunbons are making less eggs, wich means less population. Does that mean there's a breed bunnies limit?
I put all my bunbons on one island, a complete chaos.
i found a glitch where when you export a bunbon and then import it (when it's just hatched) and then wait for it to grow, if you import the younger one again, you get FREE BUNBONS!! i have five now 😋
I LOVE this game! At first I felt that I was bored, but now, I feel like It's my endless journey of happiness. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
I hope you update soon :), also there are a bit of hidden genes i've seen. Mainly when I reset it multiple times an odd colored egg will be one of the three eggs, I've gotten a different blue colored bunbon and a different red colored one, ones different from the other eggs in the numerous worlds.
So cute! <3
So, I've seen the snail planet in a previous playthrough, but I haven't gotten near it in this one yet.
A child of two regular Earth bunbons has a snail shell anyway. "Mystery Shell" also has a child who (while unrelated to the deer bunbon) got antlers.
I'm not complaining -- I actually think this is pretty cool -- but I'm curious whether this is technically supposed to happen or not.
EDIT: I've found something which I am complaining about! I'll pause the game and come back to one less bunbon, and the logs will say that that bunbon blasted off when I wasn't looking. Which sucks. I haven't found out yet if these bugged-out spacefarers are waiting for me on the end screen or not.
Sometimes there are random mutations!
Autonomously blasting off, tho, is a new one... let me know if they show up again at the end. I don't know when I'll be able to debug it, so I hope they're just getting wanderlust while you're away!
Fortunately, they were there at the end!!
I NEVER HAD THIS ONE!!! I actually also have
the cutest fluffiest Bun-Bun
Oh my goodness, you have a gif and a PFP and everything!
Thanks! <3
hi!! this looks really cute- i just wanted to ask if there's a downloadable version?
Thank you! But no, no downloadable version at this time
ok, no worries! thanks for answering!
I love this game so much, that I keep returning to it! I always have it up, to the point one day where the game crashed because I had too many on one planet. I still think I haven't seen every variation, they are all so charming.
This made my day - I’m so glad these little guys bring you joy!
I do hope you get back to this game to update it :). Hope you're well, still love this game.
You meant "I love HER"
i dont think bunbons have gender
also that was the creator
I know right? 😊
Hi! I really love playing this game (it's very nostalgic and soothing). I've been having this problem recently where my progress is no longer being saved. Whenever I open this page I'm back on the first planet with three different eggs. I'm having a hard time letting myself get attached to the bunbons because if my browser crashes they're gone
Would you know whether this is a problem on my end, and if not, could you look into it? Thanks in advance :-)
Oh no! The game saves its state to localstorage, which is stored by your browser. So I wonder if you have a browser setting or plugin that increases security and clears localstorage when it closes? Maybe if you let me know your browser + version, and your OS, I can dig up something
I'm on Firefox version 110.0.1 and I'm using Windows. I have checked the settings and the option to clear cookies when the browser is closed is turned off. Changing the browser safety setting from strict to normal didn't help either
I'm sorry, I'm not able to get the problem to happen on my computer! I don't have a Windows machine to test it on, but Firefox 110.0.1 on MacOS saves the state when the tab is closed or the browser gets restarted.
hi is it possible to send out two bunnies or more to space at the same time? Or can it only be one bun at a time?
It's been a while since I've seen the bun I sent to space and I'm kinda worried that they might not come back :(
You can send out one bunbon per planet.Don't worry, though, you will see them again once you explore all the planets!
Hihi tysm!! I already found out after doing just that in hopes of finding them somehow that way, and I did! I was just impatient sorry XD
Lovely game you have by the way, it's a great past timer <3
Thank you! So happy you were reunited with your buns <3
Reuinited indeed, I condensed them all in one world and left them be for a couple of hours and this happened LOL
I have 32 normal bunnies! Still on the first planet
Same How do you get to a new one?
If you have raised at least one bunbon to a full heart meter, it should turn into a space icon that you can click to send them on an adventure
Would there be more mutations, colors, and different types of Bunbons? Also will there be more planets and items to explore in the future? This game is adorable and I'm having fun so far!!
Thanks!! <3 I’d really like to work more on Bunbons in the future, though at the moment I’m pretty busy with my job. Someday…!
is there something I'm doing wrong with breeding them? i cant get any eggs out of them, on m second play of the game.
i've left them on screen for an hour today, and not a single egg has been laid.
a couple of the bun bons in this one are from my last playthrough if that makes a difference.
I've had the same problem, some bunbons just don't each other, so it's best to switch them out to see if different bunbons get along.
same to me :/
How do I send my bunbons off to adventure? Is there an option to rename them? Also this game is so precious!
Thank you! When you've raised your bunbons so their heart meter fills up, you'll get an option to send them in a rocket. As for renaming them, there's no way to do that at the moment in the game.
Okay thank you!
I do have another question, once I reset my game the import food/item button no longer shows up properly, is there anything I can do to make it normal again?
Have you tried refreshing the browser? You can also open the browser console and deleting the local storage.
Hi! I was wondering if the buns come back if you send them to do adventuring?
Yes! You will find them again at some point, don’t worry
2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 stars
Is there a downloadable version?
Not at the moment, but I have a friend who is working on making one with NWjs. When they're done, I'll link it here!
can you explain how to reset the game for people who are really dumb when it comes to how to work the website console thingy? i tried typing in "resetState()" and it didn't seem to work
It's definitely for advanced users only! You need to be in debug mode first - type a tilde (~) to toggle debug mode - then resetState() will work.
you can also right click inspect, application, storage bunbons and copy/delete the string that starts with {"planets":[{
I'm loving this game. It's adorable and joyous and I've recommended it to friends who might need something to brighten their day.
Can I max out the bunny population?
Nope! At least, not in theory. I imagine the game will start lagging once your computer thinks you have too many.
help i can't take them out in my storage.. also how can I make them drink?
Hi! You can move them out of storage by dragging them onto the little window in the bottom left. You can encourage them to drink by dragging the food item onto them, but it’s possible they don’t like that food item - fortunately food and drink fulfill the same need so you can always try something else!
there are no drinks dumbass just read sg's comment
I got this in the Queer Games bundle and it's SUPER CUTE, thank you for this gem of a pet-raiser. No stress and adorable is just what I need right now.
I love the sound of the bunbons talking with each other! My bunbons are friends :)
Holy shit, this is actually perfect! I love this. It's cute, wholesome, relaxing, and has so many aspects to it than just a virtual tamagotchi/vpet. Also the ability to export? *chef's kiss*
Thanks for your work!
Eee! I'm so glad it's made you happy! <3
SO CUTE i love my buns and hate sending them to space but… i alwase bring them back so… SO CUTE edit:first family
they have 5 kids now…its ridiculous
also i play on a chromebook and want to start the game over. how can i do that? I play on web. (i kinda used the inport thing to bring the buns back from space and now i have a buged world where buns randomly stop working like this one
You can always put the bunbons in your inventory to move them from planet to planet! To restart, you can open the browser console (F12) and type "resetState()" and then enter.
finily reset my game just had to clear cookies and data. not gunna break my game this time