Môsi 1.0 released

So many changes:

  • better random world generation
  • improved UI, now with more icons
  • palette color picker is now in grid form
  • music!
  • an overhauled script system

All the major features I wanted to add are in, so I'm calling this the big 1.0 release. But that doesn't mean there's not more to come! Planned features for future releases include:

  • friendlier script editing
  • bring back message-passing in scripts (but better!)

Find any issues? Github is a good place to tell me about a bug.


mosi-1.0.zip Play in browser
Oct 19, 2019


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This looks awesome! I'm going to play around with it later today :)

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for variables right in text feature!

Now I can write my own little RPG on Mosi)

{set-var HP 10}
I have {var HP} health!


Wow! It's awesome! *__*
I should to test it!


Congrats on the launch. I've featured you on the itch.io homepage